Black History Month

February is not just a month for love and romance, it’s also the month when Black History is celebrated in America. The theme for this year’s BHM is “Black People’s Health and Wellness”. It promotes activities, rituals, and initiatives that black communities have done very well.

The theme is to create awareness on the importance of mental health for black people, and celebrate all those who have embarked on self-determination, mutual aids and social support initiatives to build Hospitals, Nursing Schools and Community clinics in order to minimize or eliminate the health disparities faced by black people.

The theme for this year is so important that it cannot be contained in one month. The development of the health and wellness of black people, be it physically or mentally should have a seat at the priority table all year. Everyone, regardless of race, gender, or their social background should have access to good quality health care services.

At BWHR, we will continue to empower our tribe on Health and Wellness. Everyone deserves the best care that their health requires.

Black Wellness All Year Round!

Written by Adese Okojie CEO & Founder
