Setting Smart Goals

Let’s start the year looking at what smart goals looks like.

The economic coast is not clear yet, we still have the challenges of the pandemic disrupting activities. I expected that by now we’d be balling to normalcy but this is not the case. As we begin to plan, the onus is on us to craft realistic goals to win.

Specific: what exactly do you want to achieve and when? who is involved in the process? Does it reflect the essence of Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Belonging?

Measurable: what are the indices that measure the progress of these goals? what factors could be used to gauge the success of the DEIB processes?

Attainable: are these goals attainable or formulated smart enough to achieve the goals? can the set date be extended if the goal is not attained?

Realistic: do the goals reflect the reality of the times? goals crated out of fantasy cause disappointment.

Timely: are your goals for Q1 sure to happen by all the efforts expected from you? can the goals be extended to Q2 or beyond?

It is prudent to create SMART goals so that you don’t suffer burnout. Remember to leave room for extensions but the most important thing is to celebrate your small or big wins. Stay connected so that we can WIN together!

Written by Adese Okojie CEO & Founder
