HR Leader Spotlight

  • Please tell our members who you are?

I’m Tayo, a Consultant HR Director with a background in the Creative Advertising, Broadcast, Publishing and Communication industries. I’ve worked with such organisations including BBH, WPP, Harper Collins, BBC Worldwide and more.

  • What lessons would you say 2020 taught you?

(1) work life balance is a myth(2) People tend to be much more productive when trusted and empowered to manage their own time and workload (3) Diversity is often seen as a ‘do good’ act of tolerance, whereas Equity & Inclusion can be seen as sacrificial acts of kindness – both are wrong on so many levels.

On a personal level I’ve learned to (1) check my privilege (2) work with and not against my Chronotype, The Wolf (3) and found that Intermittent Fasting is the way forward – Life changing stuff.

  • We are closing in on the first quarter of 2021, what do you hope for this year?

Ideally, for Covid-19 to do a disappearing act

For flexible & remote working to become the norm for those who wish to continue working this way.

My more extroverted friends are climbing the walls and understandably so, given they’re energised by and thrive within an office environment for 40+ hours a week, some even miss the TFL commute. However, it’s counterproductive to assume everyone fits this profile. Company culture is changing dramatically and it’s vital at this time to place adaptation, mental health and productivity at the centre, as opposed to cultural coercion.

I hope employers begin to pay closer attention to psychometric tools, not as a prerequisite of a recruitment & selection process, but rather to better understand the make-up of the current workforce to help shape teams more effectively, promote self-awareness, and enable managers at all levels to better support their people.

  • What are you most proud of in your career to date?

The Global DEI consulting work I led at AnalogFolk, a digital creative agency. It’s possibly the most impactful far reaching work I’ve been involved in to date.

The work essentially saw me consulting for the board and working with multidisciplinary leadership teams across EMEA, US & APAC, with the intention of changing the very DNA of the business. This means ensuring DEI is more than a mere policy, but actually underpins our daily working practices and just becomes the way we conduct good business.

It’s important work and I’m very proud of what’s been achieved so far.

  • What advice would you give to a young professional starting a career in HR?

Get a mentor and nurture the relationship to the point where they become a sponsor – a sponsor is someone who will go beyond providing guidance and advice, they will also use their contacts to open doors for you, make introductions and take a vested interest in your career development and progression. If your mentor/sponsor is a senior leader, even better.

  • What is your wisdom go to quote?

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9

  • What activities do you do to relax in your free?

Currently, video chats with family and friends (I love a good old gisting session). My daily YouTube sermons from my favourite Pastors are a must. I’m an auditory learner so Audible has been a digital BFF during the pandemic, as well as my podcasts and old faithful Spotify playlists.

When outside opens up as they say, I’ll be eating out far too often and I’m an avid theatre goer so I’m eager to get back into my home… Southbank Centre, oh how I miss thee.

  • How can our members connect with you?

IG: @TayoinHR

Twitter: @TayoinHR
