HR Leader Spotlight

Please tell us your name, job title and place of work?

My name is Janet Houlis, HR Change Management Consultant at VALO Management Consultancy Ltd.

2020 taught us so many things, how would this apply to you?

2020 was without doubt a year like no other, and the death of George Floyd triggered an awakening within me and a call to action.

Change had to start with me so holding up a mirror to myself, I am now: –

  • Correcting the self-limiting belief that would have me think ‘I’m not good enough’.
  • Removing the mask that has stopped me being ‘my authentic self’ and just be me!

January has come to an end, what are your hopes for 2021?

My hope for 2021 is that we stand in our truth and never settle to just ‘exist’ but ‘THRIVE’, creating the best outcomes in our lives and the lives of others.

What are you most proud of in your career to date?

Having come through a debilitating period of illness, against all the odds I started my own business VALO Management Consultancy Ltd in 2019. With a Corporate HR background; this was a huge step for me and looking back, the proudest time of my career.

What advice would you give to a young professional starting a career in HR?

Never compromise your ‘Integrity’ which is fundamental to your being…..even when no one’s looking!

Don’t forget to make time for ‘you’, looking after your mind, body & soul!

What would you say your favourite quote is?

My all time favourite quote with no explanation needed is by Maya Angelou…  “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.

How or what activities do you do to relax in your free time?

Given we are in lockdown, I find connecting with my family and friends via Zoom/Facetime brings joy & lots of laughter which I find very relaxing.  I also love listening to music from Gospel, Classical to R&B, watching content on Netflix, and Spinning!

How can our members connect with you?

Email –

LinkedIn:  Janet Houlis – Consultant (MCIPD) | LinkedIn
