Allyship and Sponsorship

Today I want to speak to you about allyship and sponsorship for Black people as we prepare for the next BWHR mentorship.

It is more important than ever for us to come together as allies and sponsors to work towards creating a more equitable and just world.

Allyship is about collaborating to dismantle systemic racism and standing up for those who are marginalised. It’s about listening to and learning from Black people, understanding their experiences, and using our privilege to advocate for change. As HR professionals, we have a unique opportunity to use our positions of power to create meaningful change within our organisations and beyond.

However, allyship isn’t just about words – it requires action. This is where sponsorship comes in. Sponsorship is about providing resources to support the growth and development of Black and ethnic minorities owned businesses and projects that benefit the community. This support can come in the form of funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities, among others.

As HR professionals, we can use our influence to encourage our organisations to invest in ethnic minorities owned businesses and to support projects that benefit the community. We can also actively seek out opportunities to sponsor ethnic minorities and projects, providing them with the resources they need to succeed.

It’s important to note that sponsorship is not charity – it’s an investment in the future of our society. By providing individuals and businesses with the resources they need to thrive, we can help to create a more equitable and just world for everyone.

In conclusion, allyship and sponsorship are vital components of creating a more equitable and just society. As HR professionals, we have a unique opportunity to use our positions of power to create meaningful change within our organizations and beyond.

Let’s commit to being allies and sponsors for Black individuals and projects, and work together to create a better future for all.

Happy New Month