Who can join our online forum?

The BWHR online forum is an exclusive online community for black professionals in Equality, Diversity & Inclusion / Human Resources globally, providing a place to connect, learn, empower and share ideas amongst peers. The online forum will allow members share information, increase network and gain insights into how other businesses and individuals resolve issues. You are also able to have discussions and ask questions in real time with responses from the BWHR team or the community.

The online forum is open to black professionals in HR / ED&I, those who aspire to work in HR or anyone who has an HR related issues they need support with. Members are advised to read our term of reference upon joining and may be removed from the online community if in breach of any of the conditions.

Why join, see our offers for Premium membership

  • Monthly online Q & A agenda-based sessions via Zoom
  • Annual Conference and Networking Event
  • Annual online summit
  • Mentorship programme priority
  • Future leaders programme priority
  • Access to free events; webinars and masterclass
  • Replays on workshops and masterclass
  • Peer to peer networking
  • Weekly newsletter on HR disciplines and news
  • Exclusive job roles to your inbox
  • Access to industry research insight
  • Employment Law support, updates and resources
  • 10% discount on BWHR merchandise
  • 30% membership discount on AfroBix fitness online classes
  • 15% discount on your first order with Greelz + Dreenkz Afro Fusion Grills

Why is there a monthly subscription cost?

Subscription is free to access our programmes for 2023.

How much is subscription?

There are two types of membership – Standard and Premium. For standard membership; access to standard benefits without a need to subscribe. Premium membership; requires registration but at now cost in 2023.

You may subscribe as a member or ally and your subscription will automatically renew each month unless you cancel. Membership is £0.00 per month.

Join the Online Forum


Get access to great content and more

Join Forum

Available Communities

Group to discuss topics relating to Employee Relations

Group to discuss topics relating to Recruitment

Group to discuss topics relating to Mentors

Group to discuss topics relating to Mentees

Group to discuss topics relating to Equality and Diversity Strategies

Group to discuss topics relating to Health and Wellbeing

Group to discuss topics relating to Learning and Development

Group to discuss topics relating to Students and Undergraduates


As a registered BWHR forum member, here are some easy steps on how to use the online forum to your benefit and increase engagement.
The forum is a confidential platform for you to ask questions, share resources and meet new people.
  • Forum & Sub-forum

    There is the main forum which is the whole package everyone is subscribed to, then under it we have sub forums which are the forum topics, you can see on the home page.

  • Current topics

    Current topics are (Employee Relations, Equality and Diversity Strategies, Health and Wellbeing etc.) Please feel free to create your own topic and others may subscribe to your topic to engage in the correspondence

  • Subscribe

    You will have to subscribe to the already created topic to receive alerts. To do that, you need to click on a topic to either create a conversation or join one. If you don't join a forum topic you will not be part of the engagement in line GDPR.

  • The notify me button

    After joining or creating, the next thing you can do is to make sure you accept the ``Notify me of follow-up replies via email” ( really important) button in line with GDPR so that you can receive responses via email and continue the conversation if needed.

  • Unsubscribe to a Topic

    You can also unsubscribe to a topic, you'll see at the same upper left the ``Unsubscribe`` button just click the button and you automatically stop receiving emails for a conversation.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

A list of frequently asked questions to help you understand how it works.

1. How can I join the online forum?

There are two types of membership – Standard and Premium

Standard membership; no registration required.

Premium membership; registration is required but at not cost for 2023.

2. What happens at the end of my promotion coupon?

Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the coupon promotion at BWHR’s standard rate of £0.00. But cancel before end of March 2022 and you will not be charged.

3. Who is eligible to join the platform?

Anyone over 18 can create a profile, whether you are a student, HR professional or ally.

4. Can I apply my discount to another subscription plan?

No. The discount can only be used when you join as a corporate Member.

5. Can I expense my BWHR membership?

Some employers may find BWHR platform so valuable that they’ll pay for their employees’ subscriptions. At the end of your purchase, you’ll receive the receipt in your email that you can use to file an expense report.

6. What if I change my mind and want to cancel?

We hope you’ll see the value but regret to see you leave. We do understand circumstances can change and you may want to leave us but hope you return. Should this happen, please log into your account, click ‘Manage subscription’ and then ‘Cancel Subscription’. Cancel before your anniversary date and you will not be charged for the following month. Your anniversary date is the date you signed up or the date your membership subscription is removed from your Bank Account.

7. Do I have to become a premium member to have access to the mentorship programme?

No, anyone can access the mentorship programme but you need to submit your profile to be considered.

8. Do I have to pay to advertise an event?

No payments are required to advertise your event on our website. When you submit, we would review then publish or contact you if we have any questions.

9. How do I contact BWHR if I have any questions or issues?

By email info@bwhr.co.uk