HR Leader Spotlight

  • How would you describe your career?

My career has been interesting, fast and opportunistic.

  • What would you say are the 3 key strategies organisation should focus on in to support their workforce post pandemic?

Absolutely keep an eye on staff wellbeing; staff engagement; effective communication

  • What are you most proud of in your career to date?

Facing my challenges head on. Whilst I have had doubts and questioned myself, I’ve remained resolute and resilient in keeping my focus on what I wanted to do and be. Successfully being appointed Director of HR has been a career highlight for me

  • What would you like to see organisations do more of to promote Equality, Diversity Inclusion?

Introduce initiatives that clearly show how much they want to understand people’s lived experience rather than paying lip service and focusing on data.

  • What do you do to constantly challenge your underlying beliefs and assumptions?

I’m a self-reflector and my job makes me challenge my assumptions each day

  • What advice would you give to a young professional starting a career in HR?

Be prepared for the unglamorous nature of it. It can be emotionally draining, and you need to find your own coping mechanisms to get through each challenging day

  • What are your wise words in business or personal development?

Take responsibility for your own development; seek opportunities to build on your experience even if it’s unpaid

  • How can our members connect with you?

LinkedIn @Chizoma Okaro

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