Walking in Purpose and Realigning our Mindset for a Positive Reality

Listen as Aishah walks us through the paradigm of God and manifestation. She explains that everything that we are experiencing is our manifestation, our thinking and our spoken word. When God created earth and man he imaged things, he spoke those things and the same goes for us so you can’t have one without the other she says. We are from God and all our thinking and feelings are spiritual manifestations, and therefore we are creators we manifest our own reality. 

Aishah gives us advice on how we can walk in purpose and begin our healing journey and clear the subconscious beliefs that have us in fear. Take note as she talks us through how our body, mind, spirit, life and heart are all a reflection of one another. As part of her work as a holistic life coach, she teaches her clients how to clean out subconscious beliefs that are holding them back from their true potential and purpose.

Watch the full video below

Hear as she shares her personal experiences of going through an emotional, spiritual, and mental breakdown and how she found her way out. She explains how physical problems are often a result of pent up emotions. When we go through negative experiences we usually don’t release our emotions and leave them to get pent up, she says, so over time, these emotions get trapped in our body because they’re not released and this gets manifested as negative reality. She states it’s very important to understand that our body is always communicating to us sometimes physical ailments are due to those energies being still present in our body and so it’s important to teach one how to manage your emotions but also how to detox your emotions and live a healthier life. 

Aishah runs the website Aishah Tatum and you can follow her @Aishahtatum on Instagram LinkedIn and Facebook.

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